Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Today's the day I'm back to blogging!

The last two days I've been at a conference at the Midlands hotel, Bradford. There were talks on a range of textile topics that aimed to widen our views as to employment and how we perceive the industry from a range of speakers from workers and owners of textile companies from all over the UK  (The Pennine weavers, W. T. Johnson and Beryl Gibson a textile consultant are a few to name). To give an example fibres, yarn, colour, weaving and finishing were a few. I also visited Abraham and Moons mill which sent me into awe and increased my knowledge of further opportunities for my future work career.

The information shared with us over the last two days has taught me there are a lot more jobs out there than just the perceived 'textile designer', that I need to improve my networking skills especially on social media and to keep contacting companies I have an interest in, in the hope of forming bonds for future work placements and jobs!

I have had an incredible experience at the conference and  a real eye opener hence my return to blogging! 

I used to think of this blog as a platform to showcase all my crafting loves and school artworks in a place I could see them (rather than showing them little love as they get dusty in the backs of cupboards). I now after being inspired by the conference held by a host of companies within the textiles industry (The Clothworkers' Company, The Drapers company & The Weavers' Company) ffeel my blog can be successfully moved on as a base to show not only my love and obsession within textiles but to gain a professional position within the textile industry in the hope of creating further interest in who I am, what I do, all about my work. I hope this will increase my chances of gaining contacts and improving my likelihood to get the job of my dreams after graduating from university (I'm currently wanting to work in colour and perhaps colour in trends)!

Look forward to seeing future posts showcasing my inspiration, works and experiences

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